Selasa, 08 Maret 2011


Bingung. Mls. Random. Kesel. Bete. Semuanyaaaaaaaaaaa. Huah sukses ya tiap hari kayak gini >:@ kurang sbr apa cbbbbb wuffff

Senin, 07 Maret 2011


Saya. Useless. Tak dibutuhkan. Sepertinya. Ha ha ha.

Sabtu, 05 Maret 2011


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Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

Why Do I Love You?

He said, "Look at your heart ask to your heart and answer with your heart why do you love me and you will find the answer :')" how sweet :$

1st Message.

This is my first message. Simple. But from this message can be so long together until now ;)
"H u l a a a a a i m @meidinds h a h a"

What to know about him.

All the small things about him....
*he's Irham Fakhriy
*he's Sundanese.
*he lives in Bdg.
*he was born on August
*he likes blue
*he likes meatball.
*curly hair
*beautiful eyes
*phobia "kecoa"
*he's mine
*kinda lazy
*Leo boy
*he's a manager of a band called Robosquad
*good boy with bad habit
*as known as @fahreeeee
*a student of 14shs
who is he? he is mine.

Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

m e n y e b a l k a n

h a r i i n i s e m u a n y a a m a t s a n g a t m e n y e b a l k a n . M E N Y E B A L K A N . m o o d b r e a k e r . m e n y e b a l k a n g a a d a y a n g n g e r t i !!! m e n y e b a l k a n !!!

Selasa, 15 Februari 2011

Sad. Sick. Sucks.

Hey. Insomnia attack. Listening to Richard Marx's song. Crying. Yap, hari ini ditinggal lagi. Pdhl udah seneng bgt dia udah pulang, berharap otpan dan gue dihibur krn kebetean dr pagi. But, as always he did, ketiduran. Mungkin kedengeran sepele, but ini udah yg kesekian kalinya. Terkadang ini agak pengaruhin gue buat akhirin ldr. Ya, you must know, ini berat, very very. Disaat temen temen gue antusias buat ceritain tentang mau jalan sama cowonya dan gue cuma senyum dengerin cerita mereka. And then they ask me "lo jalan kemana?" dan lo tau itu nyesek hahaha biasanya gue cuma diem aja gajawab pertanyaan itu. Okey, I gotta envy with them. Mau bgt kayak mereka yg bisa kapan aja jalan. Yak, tapi demi pertahanin semuanya gue seneng seneng aja ldran. Karna sayang yg udah bgt bgt. But now. Cuma satu kata yg ada di pikiran gue. The point is, Kecewa.

Jumat, 04 Februari 2011

jangan sebut ini galau...

Im tired. So tired. Too tired. Pls...I need ur attention, I need ur respect. Not like this. It seems like I'm foolish. Waiting for nothing. I hate being like this. It's like there's a boombox in my mind that waiting to destroy.

It's not about who I have. It's about how precious he is.

Half my heart is wherever you are... I'll never stop loving you. You are my other half, you complete the rest of me. I don't know how life could be without you. Take my hand. I want the world to see what you mean to me. Just remember that I was there for you when no one else was. Bcs you're the one who I love. And eventho the time would separated our love. You're in my heart. And no one can replace.

I m y!

Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Imy. Irhaaaaaaam:||

H-3 TO DKI :|

hiyaaaaa h-3 try out dki!!! 3-| gimanaaaaa ini takutttttt!! ngerasa agak takut karna biasanya try out di selatan lebih susah -_-a hmmm yg penting udah usaha+doa+tawakal t(-_-t) ya Allah semoga nilaiku dpt yg terbaik amin!!!!!

200days left...

haiii!!!;) hari ini hari ke.........200 sama Irham!! aha aha senangnyaaaaaaa :"> there are so many memories with him that never be forget:D I'm very glad to be his. And I'm so happy to have a boyf like you:) hope we longlast and our love is everlastingggggg \m/ i love you so damn much!!! {} 18710<3

Rabu, 02 Februari 2011

When I was kid...

Kangen sd!!:(( gatau kenapa lagi kangen temen temen sd bgt...kangen masa masa sd yg masih nakal kayak apa tau. Kangen Nira, Nadya, Elsa, Dinda :| huhuhu kangen bgt inget di sd itu suka main sepedahan pulang sekolah ke Lapangan BI dulu...kangen main main dirumah Nira, dan jaman sd dulu pernah berantem sama Nadya. Waktu sd punya satu diary yg diisi buat ber5 (gatau skrg ngilang kemana-_-), dan inget dulu gue pernah suka sama kakak kls yg disukain Nadya juga (lupa namanya tapi wkwk), jaman sd suka beli Majalah Princess sama Nira -,- wkwkwk (so imut yak ha ha ha -_-) kangen dulu di sd dipanggilnya "bos" (benci bgt gua) dan sekarang....temen temen gue tadi itu udah cantik cantik bet waaaa ~,~ miss you all @nadyanadss @nirakus @dindanamier @elsaelsoi!!! Kisshug mwah:* ({})


It's so sad when you felt denied. When everything that you have treat you like unimportant thing. Like a trash. Don't you know that I need you now? And when I told you that I need you, you just said like that? Don't you know that it's too much of hurts? :" do you know what I feel? You don't know about me at all. Never know. hey, I'm your girlf, treat me as you must do. Bcs when I leave you, I'll never come back again. Don't be regret if one day I'll do that. Trust me.

Senin, 31 Januari 2011

Distance makes me stronger than before...

Dear, you. Now I'm hugging the doll. Hope it's you. Hope you're here. Hmm...ldr. I hate the distance between you and me. It makes me harder to reach you. Sometimes, I think "I can't survive with this condition. It's too hard. It's too complicated." but I just remember how much your sacrifice for me, how much I love you...sometimes I'm awake in the middle of the night, wondering...why are you not in here?why are you must at there? Oh damn I miss you boy :"( but now I know that the distance makes me stronger, makes me know how feel when I miss someone so badly :") I-m-i-s-s-y-o-u-!!!

The Last Day on January.

Today is the last day on January. Rada bete. As usual...ditinggal tidur lagi hhhhh -_- sebel! Feel so kinda boring in here. But he's sleeping now. Pdhl lagi kangen bgt mau curhat ah selalu aja tidur :| so yumari kita nge-blog:p btw January was goin' so fast. 1st January....seneng bgt!!!hahahaha New Year sama si nyunyun kebo nyebelin -_-wkwk dan di bulan ini gue 6bulan sama Irham :"> awawaw ganyangka bisa LDRan selama ini:p hihihi dan hari ini pas 197 hari with my beloved manyun :3 hwhw January isn't bad and isn't good too -,- agak ada masalah dikit dehhh sama temen&pacar hm yaya-..- buttttt lebih banyak hal hal indahnya kok di Januari :D bulan ini emang berat bgtttt!! Banyak tugas, ulangan, pm dkk -,- ha ha ha tp gaboleh patah semangat biar sukses Ujian Nasional yeaaah \m/ hahahaha btw gatau knp malem ini lagi kangen bgt sama nyunyun si nyebelin itu -.- kenapayaaaa??? I dunno~ hahahahaha
hoamhoam mulai I'm gonna hit my bed. See you soon, dude. Xoxo :*

Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011

L-L-L-L!!! 4 L for friendship!!

4L...sekelompok teman sepermainan, senasib, dan sepergalauan (bukan geng) yg bersatu dan diisi sama 4 orang yang punya watak beda-beda.
The's me! Meidinda Kamila yg baik hati dan tidak sombong *brblaridikejarmasa* hahahahaha disini gue dipanggil Lembut -____- ini agak nyinggung gua sih yak -_- katanya gua itu gabisa lembut dan kalo dipanggil pasti nyautnya jutek he he he makanya kebalikannya jadi dipanggil Lembut (apabae-_-)
The second is....Fairuz Zahara as known as Dede (gue gatau kenapa ini makhluk namanya Fairuz tapi jadi dipanggil Dede kan ganyambung-_-) ini anak dipanggilnya Lemot. Dan lemotnya udah melewati batas bangetlaaah kadang kadang suka bikin sewot sama kelemotannya yang udah tingkat akut *lebaydikitbole* hahahaha btw ini anak lucu abis, gapernah marah dan....baik parah sama gue he he he he
The Third is....Shofa Fauzia ini anak temen sd gue hehehe bosen jugayak ketemu ini anak lagi 9 tahun -____- dia dipanggil lenjeh soalnya dia rada genit+cewe banget!!! ini anak juga bawelnya parah dan kalo ketawa kayak kuntilanak (semoga orangnya gabaca ._.) wkwkwk ini anak suka banget ngegalau pagi pagi bareng dede dan gue sama wulan cuma ngegangguin+ngeledekin doang hahahahha
nah, yang terakhir ini namanya Wulandari Nurjannah. she's a muslimah girl, yang pasti dia berkerudung dan alim banget wkwkwkwk dia dipanggil lance hehehew dia anak rohis loooh B) wkwkwk
gatau kenapa sejak kelas 9 jadi lebih deket sama mereka daripada sama temen temen kelas 8 hihihi. I'm so glad to have friends like them \m/ see yaaaaa xoxo


Rabu, 26 Januari 2011

E-L-M-O !!!

Heeey!!!! ahahaha Do you know who's name the red doll with big eyes at the picture? :))) It's Elmo!!! Yeah it seems so cute as the giver hihihi :3 I got that doll from Irham, he gave me when we celebrated our 2nd anniversarry. It's too big :p waw I;m so happy to have that! Now. It's my new friend. I always hug it when I'm asleep. Hmmmm when I miss him I do it too....sometimes I just imagine that Elmo is him hahahah =))) LOL hmmm btw I love my Elmo, but I love the boy who give it more :33

I spell it "L-O-V-E"

Look at those pictures. Is he handsome huh? =)) yep he's my boyf who named Irham Fakhriy. I wanna share a story of him and me. We were in relationship since 18th July 2010. I dunno how he can makes me love him so much... He changes my whole life, from a girl who boyish to be more girly. From a cold girl to be a girl that could melted like a butter when he told about love words. Yeah...everything about me has been changed when he came to my day. He made my day coloured with happiness, laugh, jokes and his silly things=
))) He always makes me feel so in love, altough sometimes he makes me angry. I called him "manyun" bcs I think he likes to "manyun-manyun" HAHAHAHAHA :D For the last, I just wanna say, "I love him, I'll wait for him to come here, altough I dunno when" hihihi see ya :) xoxo


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New blog!!!
Hihiw I know that I'm toolate to make this ha ha ha -_-
but I'll write all of my life story here:)))
so just read and enjoy my
blog :)))